The word SUKHA could be deciphered as “euphoria, relish, satisfaction, and solace“. Sukhasana is one of the most agreeable and

What are Vayus?
There is a pure yogic energy that moves through the world and flows into each of you. This energy is

Tantric Breathing Practice To Merge Shiva And Shakti And Achieve Oneness
This tantric breathing practice from Sarah Platt-Finger can enable you to accomplish a condition of unity, otherwise called samadhi. In

A man concentrated on sexual continence controls and transforms the sexual energy into subtle, mental energy that spreads through the

Prana Mudra
Before starting this topic, before you try to do Prana Mudra, please make sure that you are alone in the

Etymology In Sanskrit, Paschima refers to back or west, and Uttana implies expansion or curve. Accordingly, the expression “Paschimottanasana” is

Historical background The Sanskrit expression PADMA signifies “lotus”, thus the interpretation of PADMASANA is “The Lotus Pose”. The asana was

Nauli Kriya
Historical backgrounds The word “NAULI” can’t be found in any dictionary. Be that as it may, NAU means boat and

Mandukasana or “The Frog” Pose has different variants. The one we are going to acquaint with you in the following,

Konasana Or Parchvatanasana
This asana is very famous, and it is highly practiced in South India. It is suggested that the daily session of asanas incorporate this asana too. Apart from its exceptionally valuable impacts, Konasana additionally improves the gainful effects of Paschimottanasana.

Etymology: The interpretation for Halasana is “The Plow Posture.” Metaphorically, Halasana represents for the yogis, the plow that cleanses the

Learning The Basics Of Tantra Yoga
The meaning of the Sanskrit word, ‘Tantra’ is extension or bend (on a loom). It is derived from its verbal

Etymology: in Sanskrit, GARUDA means hawk, so, GARUDASANA might be interpreted as “the posture of the eagle”. Rules: GARUDASANA is

The significance of this asana lies in the way that it makes the spine more flexible. Valuable EFFECTS Chakrasan tones

Etymology: The English meaning of the Sanskrit language of the term “BHADRA” means “throne.” Bhadrasana means the “posture of the

Balancing Prana Vayu And Aparna Vayu
The activity we will acquaint with you is a mix of the yogic productivity with the simplest way. This procedure

Asana – An Introduction
Most present-day yoga classes and books have lost the mystery key of Hatha Yoga. The genuine reason for the old

What Is Tantra Yoga and Tantra Meditation
The popular meaning of Tantra in the West In recent times Tantra is mistakenly defined as and misunderstood to be

Everything you need to know about Shiatsu
What is a Shiatsu massage? Shiatsu (‘finger pressure’ in Japanese) refers to a Japanese massage technique that involves harnessing one’s

What Is Cobra Breathing?
Cobra Breathing – have you already this term before? Actually, cobra breathing is a strong single psycho-spiritual practice. The Cobra

Tantra Breathing & Pranayama
Pranayama occupies an important place in the yogic techniques of Tantra. Pranayama or tantra breathing techniques can help you in

7 Pranyama to Start your Tantra Journey
What is Pranayama Pranayama is yogic kriya to perform control of breathing.”Prana” is made up of breath or vital energy

Power of the Mantra Om
India has been home to numerous power mantras and chants that are used as mediums of meditation all over the

How To Start Body Dynamic Breathing Practice
One of the important foundations of meditation is breathing exercises. Our lifestyle choices and our diets are compromised and replete

What is Ipsalu Kriya Yoga?
Many people think of Tantra as a way to improve their sexuality. Although this is an incredible benefit of the

Tantric breathing exercises and its types
What is Tantra Breathing Kundalini Tantra Yoga does not try to suppress sexual energy, but to raise it so that

Tantra Yoga And Postures
Tantra Yoga includes asana, mantra mudra, bandha and chakra work. This ancient practice helps in building strength, clarity and bliss in