How To Start Body Dynamic Breathing Practice
One of the important foundations of meditation is breathing exercises. Our lifestyle choices and our diets are compromised and replete with unhealthy elements. We take our body for granted and, when something goes wrong we blame the surrounding or the climate. There are times when we just cannot comprehend the unhealthy or destructive decisions that we make.
Our immune system gets compromised and faces the brunt of our bad choices. It is not just limited to our food habits; it also applies to breathing exercises. Right now as you are sitting and, reading this article you are probably shallow breathing.
You are merely inhaling and exhaling the air in your lungs. You are just pushing the stale air in your lungs through your respiratory system.This will actuallycause physical strain to your heart when you are doing major physical activities like running, jogging or even something as simple as walking.
There are ways you can tackle these problems and, they are scientifically proven to be effective. Ask yourself this question, how often do you breathe deep?
If you do it on rare occasions then, you might have to increase its frequency. It is vital that we do the occasional deep breathing exercises because it keeps our respiratory organs and tract active and in turn helps us breathe fresh air into our system.
For something that is necessary for our existence don’t you think we should pay more attention to it?
Our lungs, muscles, diaphragm are the organs that play a primary role in helping us get a better grip on our respiration techniques. Inhalation and Exhalation exercises are important to maintain the flow of blood and air in our body.
The best way to breathe is to be conscious of breathing gently and steadily from the belly and beneath breastbone area, not holding the breath. In this way the abdomen is consciously shifted out with the inhale and moved in with the exhale while sustaining a slight abdominal muscle pressure, thus widening the ribs to the side and out.
This helps to stimulate the diaphragm, which is the important muscle used to breathe correctly and often the most neglected in our day to day lives.
Breathing like this can take a short preparation, as for most people breathing is totally oblivious, particularly the way we breathe.
However, when this focus recurs, the body will immediately accept and embrace the difference in pattern and a striking effect will soon be determined in the state of mind, feelings, and fitness.
Now that we have some perspective on the right breathing patterns for a regular life we should put them to use and help our mind and body breath in a better and effective way.
In my own experience with body dynamic breath, the practices are contemporary combination Yogic Pranayama. Thus, if you perform pranayama on a regular basis, that is enough and you don’t need to familiarize this combination. But, if you trust medical science you make use of this technique on your day-to-day life.
How to Practice Body Dynamic Breathing
Breathing Exercise
In the actual fact, a breathing exercise as essential as sleeping, eating, and drinking. Meaning to say, you need to incorporate breathing exercises to your everyday life.
One of the best things about breathing exercises is that they are very easy to perform and you don’t need to spend a lot of time to do them. What’s more, you can incorporate such exercises to your normal days. As a matter of fact, you can practice them while you’re on the bus, car, or train, watching TV, cooking, or ironing.
Nevertheless, here are the different levels of body dynamic breathing.
First Level: Straight Line Breathing
Step 1: Sit down or stand with your chin forward while keeping your spine in a straight position.
Step 2: Put your hand above your belly button.
Step 3: Close your mouth and make a prolonged breath in thru your nose to your abdominal area. Push your hand outwards with the muscles of your stomach as you breathe in. But as you come to the end of your breath you need to open your chest and then place the remaining air on it.
Step 4: Breathe out slowly through your nose, by dragging your belly in using the muscles of your stomach and utilize your hand so that you’ll be able to push it in while relaxing your shoulders.
Note: If you master this level and you already have prolonged the extent of your breath you can move on the second level.
Second Level: Triangular Breathing
The primary difference in this level is that there’s a hold in the middle of the out and in breathe. In simple words, the hold must be similar to the out and in breathing. As a result, the sides of the triangle have the same length.
Nevertheless, here’s how to perform triangular breathing.
Step 1: Put your hand above your belly button.
Step 2: Similar to the first level, close your mouth and make a prolonged breath in.
Step 3: Hold your breath for an identical interval as the in-breath.
Step 4: Breathe out slowly
Step 5: Continue with second to fifth steps. There shouldn’t be any strain and most importantly, you should not catch your breath. But if this takes place you need to reduce the length of the triangle or else you need to go back to the first level.
Third Level: Square Breathing
Square breathing has two holds. The first hold is between the out and in breathing. While the second hold is after breathe out. Make sure that the two holds have the same length of in and out breathe so that all sides are of the same length.
Here’s how to practice square breathing.
Step 1: Close your mouth and make a prolonged breath in.
Step 2: Hold your breath for comparable length as the in-breath.
Step 3: Breath out slowly.
Step 4: Hold your breath for comparable length as the in-breath.
Step 5: Repeat steps two to four.
Note: If you master this level and you already have prolonged the extent of your breath you can move on the fourth level.
Fourth Level: Rectangular Breathing
Rectangular breathing is the same with square breathing but the two holds are longer than the out and in breaths. However, both holds should have equal length. Similar to a rectangle you have two short sides and two long sides.
Here’s how to perform rectangular breathing.
Step 1: Close your mouth and make a prolonged breath in.
Step 2: Hold your breath for comparable length as the in-breath.
Step 3: Breath out slowly.
Step 4: Hold your breath for a prolonged length.
Step 5: Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4. There shouldn’t be any strain and most importantly, you should not catch your breath. But if this takes place you need to go back to the third level.
Therapeutic Breathing
This is where you could direct your breath to a certain part of your body, where you might have ailments, injuries, and illnesses. Furthermore, you can also utilize it for cleansing or stimulating a body part or organ that is under-active and weak.
Therapeutic Breathing utilizes the methods used in square breathing. But rather than guiding the breath to your abdominal region you guide to a certain part of your body.
How To Perform Therapeutic Breathing?
Step 1: Choose the body part you’re going to take breaths and then take your eyes and mind to that part for a while.
Step 2: Close your mouth and make a prolonged breath in.
Step 3: Hold your breath for comparable length as the in-breath.
Step 4: Breath out slowly from the target part, feeling every cell unfilled thru your nose.
Step 5: Hold your breath for comparable length as the in-breath.
Step 6: Repeat steps two to six. There shouldn’t be any strain and most importantly, you should not catch your breath. But if this takes place you need to practice square breathing again.
Benefits of Taking The Breathe Into A Particular Part of the Body
1.Open connective pathways
2.Boosts the permeation of oxygen to the congested points.
3.Release pain
4.Increase circulation
5.Calm anxiety and stress
Reduce psychological and emotional trauma
Tags:Body Dynamic Breathing Dynamic Breathing Practice Practice Body Dynamic Breathing Rectangular Breathing Square Breathing Straight Line Breathing therapeutic breathing Triangular Breathing