Tantra Nectar Massage Academy
-A Professional Massage Training School where You Can Trust
As Satyarthi remembers, since childhood he never believed in the orthodox way of prayer and superstition. He had a deep thirst for learning spirituality since the very early age of 15. He was born in an Indian Hindu family where he grew up with the culture of love and devotion for elders and parents.
Seva or Karma Yoga
This Devotion to your parents in Hinduism is called Seva or Karma Yoga. In his childhood, from the age of 10, he used to massage his parents’ feet for hours and hours every night before sleeping. That was his Seva, his love, his devotion to his parents.Massage has been his prayer and path to devotion since childhood. He still recalls how sometimes he continued to massage the feet of his parents and grandparents even after they fell asleep almost for the whole night with so much joy and the attitude of prayer, where time dissolves.
This was his first glimpse of meditation or spirituality, or what is known as satori.In 2003, his father got a Slip disk injury. Satyarthi wanted to help his father get rid of this injury by massaging him or we can say by doing his Seva. That’s when he decided to give direction to his inner skills of massage by learning and getting professional training of massage and healing arts. He started to learn massage techniques from different teachers and schools. He met his first Yoga, Meditation and Massage guru Sri Kamal Yogi Ji, An Indian Mystic after this incident. From him, he got a transmission of ancient yoga, Tantra and silence. He also learnt his first Massage and understood the concept of ‘Art Of touch’.
Satyarthi’s Journey of Meditation
Satyarthi’s journey of meditation started in 2003 after meeting his first Guruji , Shri Kamal Yogi , The Indian Mystic. However, the major shift happened in 2007 when he read an article on ‘Love and forgiveness’ by Osho. In 2008, he took Sanyas and devoted his life to Meditation and for higher purpose with the blessings of his beloved Master Osho. He got to know more about meditation and spirituality through his beloved master Osho. That is when he got the right direction.
He completed his first professional massage training in 2008. And since then, he has been learning many professional massages and healing arts practices. He has studied from more than 20 different kinds of Healing, Meditative Bodywork and Tantra schools of east and west.
Tantra Nectar Massage academy is not just a massage school. It is Satyarthi’s life journey of Meditation and Massage. The Courses of Massage which Satyarthi wants to share with you have been developed and created with his 15 years of devotion, intuition and understanding of touch combined by the professional learning of various massage techniques and in-depth understanding of the body mind and soul.
Master of All Healing
Through his journey, Satyarthi Prateek was able to learn and master all kinds of healing arts with the help of great teachers. He created a new massage wherein he incorporates all of his lessons and learnings to provide 360-degree healing to everybody. He wishes to create an impact on people of Tantra as he has been impacted by it.

Satyarthi Prateek’s journey of massage and healing has been a long and interesting one. Since his childhood, he was very intuitive with touch and massage and always had a desire to learn more.
His awakening came to him in 2008 when he learnt Osho Ayurvedic Massage by Taruna (a student of Master Kusum Modak). That changed his life and his understanding of the human body.
Understanding The Human Body
It made him realize that to gain an even deeper understanding, one needs to master their knowledge of the Human Body. He met his other teacher, Tapesh Paradiso, who further provided him an understanding of the transformation of silence and empty hands. Learning and practising The Alchemy of Touch under Tapesh, gave him a better balance of connection between the body, mind and soul.
Through 2009-2019, he learnt many more massages and healing techniques from various teachers. Since 2012, Satyarthi Prateek started working on Tantra practices and eventually by 2014 he started learning about Tantra Massages. The most critical transition happened when Satyarthi started exploring Tantra Massage from 2014 with his beloved teacher, Sarita. Through her, he learnt that massage and healing play a key role in one’s spiritual journey.
During his massage and healing arts journey, he has learnt three aspects of healing arts.
All Massage & Theraphy
The First Pillar consists of the Meditative Bodywork Techniques which includes many techniques that he learned during this wonderful journey.
1.Osho Ayurvedic Yoga Massage,
2.Alchemy of Touch,
3.Classical Osho Re-Balancing,
4.Myofascial Release Therapy,
5.Lomi Lomi Nui Massage,
6.Therapeutic Ayurvedic Massage,
7.Swedish Massage,
8.Deep-Tissue Massage,
9.Joint Release Therapy,
10.Marma Points Treatment,
11.Acupressure and Shiatsu
12.Physiotherapy Science of Back, Leg and Neck and much more.
The second pillar is Tantra Massage.
These are three ancient tantra massages which has its own lineages that he learned during this wonderful journey.
– Taoist Massage
– Kashmiri Tantra Massage
– Ayurvedic Tantra Massage
Three Tantra Massage
These are another kind of three Tantra massage which is based on sensuality and western science of orgasmic body that he learned during this wonderful journey.
1.Conscious Sensuality
2.Inner Alchemy
3.Secret Science of Male & Female Orgasm
The Third pillar is Energy Work that he learned during this wonderful journey.
1.Reiki Aura Cleansing
2.Pranic Healing
3.Chakra Balancing
For Satyarthi, massage is his path to godliness. He says, Make your massage a prayer.Every massage session is a profound experience of mediation or Satori.After completing a session, the receiver reduces to a hollow bamboo who has channelized the existential energy and provides the same to his partner through the flow that he receives from Satyarthi. The more silent it is, the greater is the magic. We are living in a society, where we need more Tantra.
Loving Touch
People today have everything, but something is always missing and that is the satisfaction of the soul. Satyarthi believes that this void could be filled in by a loving touch. His touch is gentle and has a rhythm of its own which he wants to transmit to his students and share it with the world.
He believes that a loving touch is like food for the soul and a path to reach higher consciousness. Through his touch, you will find enlightenment within yourself and others

It is a delicious smoothie of many different healing arts where various Meditative bodywork Techniques, Energetic healing techniques, and Tantra Massages of Ancient India with the Power of Sensuality and sexuality merges with each other, from eastern spiritual sciences to western medical sciences, for a complete holistic healing.
Holistic Healing Arts
In the world of Holistic Healing Arts, there are three approaches:
The first one is Meditative Bodywork
The second one is Tantra massage
The third one is Energy Work
The most common problem faced was that there was no teacher or Massage School where one would find all these three approaches. The reason being a meditative bodywork Teacher will not see the importance of Tantra massage or energy work.
It is the same with a Tantra Massage Teacher, they don’t see the importance of meditative bodywork or energy work. Throughout the years, Satyarthi has come to realise that every man needs all kinds of therapies such as Body Balancing, Aura Cleansing, Body Massages and Tantra Massages. For Example: If someone is going through physical pain, the person will first need relief from it rather than any kind of healing approach.
For complete relaxation, the person will need meditative bodywork followed by healing. Similarly, if someone is going through an imbalance of Chakra or some kind of misbalance in between his physical body and Auric Body or feeling low in his life force energy, then for deeper relaxation, the person first needs the balance in his being rather than any other kind of bodywork approach and for that Energy work is the tool.
Even when someone is going through any sexual problem or any trauma about his sexuality, for deeper relaxation he first needs to get confidence and acceptance regarding his sexuality rather than any other kind of healing approach. Tantra Massage is the goto tool for this.
Tantra Nectar Massage Academy
The point being that for a complete holistic healing, one needs to receive all the approaches in a way that all three complement each other. In the Tantra Nectar Massage Academy, we are merging all the three aspects for enabling a complete holistic healing. In this way, we can also touch the deepest core of a human being. It’s a journey of the balancing of your body, mind and soul.
Our ideology is very simple. The real healing happens when there is no healer left. So, it is not about Technique. It is about Presence, Silence, Meditation and the most important devotion- the art of Service.
Yes, technique is important. That’s why in our Courses, we are very particular about method and techniques and follow all professional standards.
While it is very important to learn the techniques and master it, we have to be able to give the transmission which is beyond the technique.
Make Massage Your Prayer
As Beloved Master Osho says, “Learn the Technique and Forget It”. Massage is a path of devotion and love. It is an art of prayer and gratitude. As Satyarthi always said “Make Massage Your Prayer”, this is the Mantra and Transmission to every student of Tantra Nectar Massage Academy.
We believe that Massage is a path of to reach super consciousness. At the Tantra Nectar Massage Academy, every course is unique in a way because we are covering all three important approaches while maintaining a balance between them.
Best Healing Arts Courses
Our courses are unique and professional with the power of intuition making its own extra ordinary way. We are the only Massage Academy on earth which covers all three aspects of Healing arts in all dimensions.
Learn Ocean of Knowledge
Tantra Nectar Massage Academy covers many aspects of the Meditative Bodywork, Energy work and Tantra Massages. According to Satyarthi – Massage is like an ocean. The more you learn, the more you understand that there is much more left. So it’s like a river which keeps flowing, growing and expanding every time.
During the training, we cover all the practical and professional aspects of a Professional Massage Setting. Each participant can then establish themselves as a professional masseur

Currently, we are offering two major courses. In the near future, we are developing more short term courses. Stay tuned and be connected.

“Massage is something that you can start learning but you never finish. It goes on and on, and the experience becomes continuously deeper and deeper, and higher and higher. Massage is one of the most subtle arts – and it is not only a question of expertise. It is more a question of love”
90% Love
“Learn the technique – then forget it. Just ´feel ‘and move by feeling. When you learn deeply, ninety percent of the work is done by love, ten percent by the technique.”
“By just the very touch – a loving, conscious touch, something relaxes in the body.”
“Massage is needed in the world today because ´love´ has disappeared. By and by we have forgotten where to touch, how to touch, how deep to touch. In fact touch is one of the most forgotten languages, because the word has become sexual and people have become afraid.”
Massage Is Art
“When you touch the body of a person, be prayerful…as if God himself is there, and you are just serving him. Flow with total energy. And whenever you see the body flowing and the energy creating a new pattern of harmony – you will feel a delight that you have never felt before. You will fall into deep meditation.”
“While massaging, just massage. Be in your fingers and your hands as if your whole being is there. Make it a play, make it a game and take it as fun. Laugh and let the other laugh too. Soon you will be helping many people.”