Importance Of Tantra Nectar Retreat
It’s been more than a decade since Satyarthi Prateek began his journey on the Tantra Path. He started teaching about 3-4 years ago with the idea of creating an environment where both participants as well as teachers get to learn together, stay together, eat together and meditate together. This will create an environment of everyone’s condensed energy field. When we are at one place, where all the participants along with the teachers live together with only one intention; that is to go deeper in our journey of self-realisation, meditation and Tantra, then the magic happens. We are able to go deeper and reach an all new high with the support of one and other.
Tantra Nectar Retreats for Everyone
Our Tantra Nectar Retreats will allow everyone to touch the higher heights of meditation. Satyarthi Prateek believes that Tantra is the connection between all fields of spiritual study. So even teachers of other fields are a part of our retreats. The Tantra Nectar retreats our held globally allowing Satyarthi to collaborate and connect with students and teachers all over the world.

Tantra Nectar Retreat for Singles can be attended by everyone. The Tantra Nectar Retreat for Singles allows individuals to freely explore their own vibrant energy. As individuals, we are constantly on the hunt for new adventures and exciting quests. Our retreats introduce you to a whole lot of new and exciting adventures. Be it our workshops or retreats for singles, it lets an individual identify their true potential and meaning to life.
This is made possible with exploring dance forms, developing new energies, new music, and Tantra exercises along with meeting other individuals who like you are there for the same purpose. Interacting with them allows you to go deep within yourself without any attachments. The most important takeaway for individuals attending the Tantra Nectar Retreat for Singles is to be able to dig deeper and build a wonderful life filled with ecstasy, joy and love plus allowing them to connect with another person if they want to. It perfectly balances individuals desire to dig deeper within themselves and attaching oneself to another person. It will help you to not only love yourself for who you are but also others. You will not commit the same mistakes of your past relationships and will be happy and successful in the new ones. Everyone will feel more in love with their friends, family and self.
2. Chakra Meditation Journey to move this Energy in to whole body The Chakra Meditation practices gets our inner masculinity and femininity to be balanced to unlock the true potential of a man’s masculinity. The sacred sexual energy is felt throughout the whole body.
3. How to Last Longer in Sex From controlling your ejaculation, to finding the right rhythm and thrusting technique, to choosing positions that stimulates your partner more, to PC muscle awareness, to the most important breath control; all these Tantra practices helps a man to last longer in sex.
4. The Art of Love Making – The Secret of Master Lover This is very important since most men jerk off in less than 5 minutes. Learn the art of love making which is spiritual and more pleasurable for both partners. Enjoy the pleasure of energy rotating in circles, throughout the body by awakening the Tantric lover within.
5. Practical Solutions to deal with Sexual Health issues Tantra yoga and meditation helps a man to learn the art of controlling ejaculation and conserving the sexual energy. The practices are highly beneficial to solves issues of Premature Ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction, Low Libido etc
6. How to get rid of Pornographic Habits Pornographic habits distracts the man to explore his true sexuality and gives the ideas of sex to be fast and wild with the end goal of ejaculation. With Tantra, you will discover the actual pleasure one gets after sex which is both spiritual and liberating at the same time.
7. Meditation to Awakening the Divine Masculine Tantra meditation helps re-awaken the divine masculine within us which is most often suppressed due to the outwardly societal norms and rules. It guides us to connect with our inner femininity and shows how the balance of both within is the true way we are meant to exist.
8. Make a connection with your Inner Shiva – The Tantra Way With Tantra Yoga, we engage in a form of spirituality that fosters Lord Shiva’s consciousness through the release of self. Once connected, you are unaffected by the torment of the outside world. You become focused, grounded and empathetic.
9. Man’s Health Tantra for man helps improve his overall health. In the sense, that once he is in touch with his true inner self and accepts both his femininity and masculinity, he is the best version of himself. He becomes truly powerful and no society can bring him down with shame or guilt.
10. Power of Brotherhood Coming to this training is a choice to reclaim your individual masculinity, to stand in the light of your own awareness as a man among other men, your brothers. It is a rite of passage, where you can finally feel the glory of your true manhood, your Godliness!

1. You can find your soul calling In Tantra, Man represents Lord Shiva which means consciousness and creation. Your ultimate goal is to discover the purpose of your life and become a medium of creation. This workshop helps you to know yourself better and find your true nature. You can then understand your purpose of life freeing you from almost all kinds of desires. You live like an artist of your own life, once you’ve unlocked your soul calling.
2. Discover the full potential of love making with yourself and with your partner On an average, a man can perform intercourse only for 3-5 minutes leaving both partners dissatisfied. This Workshop helps you to learn to use tools to make love for longer and become the master of ejaculation. Tantra teaches you how to make love with yourself so you can awaken your senses and also teaches how to make love to a woman. This will help in becoming a multi orgasmic man. As a man, you can go deeper in your love making experience to experience the journey from sex to super consciousness.
3. Get deeper insights about man and woman This workshop helps a man on how to relate with a woman. You as a man have a local approach to sexuality and a woman has a global approach to sexuality. Simply put, a man’s whole sexuality is around his genital, but a woman’s entire body is sexual. So as a man, if you want to relate with a woman, start from her heart and then she can open her legs for you. Tantra teaches you breathing practices to open your heart and balance your energy to each chakra. It provides a deeper understanding of a woman and yourself.
4. A holistic approach to life This workshop helps a man by teaching him the holistic approach of life so you can enjoy being alone and make a deep connection with the Mother Earth. A Man needs time for himself for his hormones to get nourished by spending some healthy alone time. But because of this 21st century pressure, man forgets this and is disconnected from his roots. Tantra works in a way to give man the ability to get connected with himself and his roots.
5. Learn to Celebrate each moment Usually, because of a busy life, you forget how to dance, how to move the energy in a body. That’s why so many new kinds of health problems are coming up daily. This workshop teaches you how to move this energy and enjoy each moment thoroughly. You will learn the dance of celebrating this life. It makes you as a man more alive and Juicier. This is very healthy for your spiritual growth.
6. Uncover secrets of Man’s health and get supported by your Brotherhood In the workshop, you will meet other men who value learning about themselves and deepening their experience of the healthy masculine. Each man will become more familiar with the positive and shadow aspects, of how he deals with power.
7. Meeting with your Inner Shiva The workshop enable you to meet your inner Shiva, making you a man in his divine power who is comfortable with his vulnerability, passion, desire, sexuality, masculine potency and his gentle heart.
These are just a few benefits. Be assured that awakening the DIVINE MASCULINE and this path of Tantra will change your life for good.