What is Ipsalu Kriya Yoga?
Many people think of Tantra as a way to improve their sexuality. Although this is an incredible benefit of the practice of Tantra, this is not the only benefit.
Ipsalu Tantra is a method of spiritual growth derived from the knowledge of great yogic masters of the ancient past. These methods allow us to harness the energy of our physical body, spirit and soul so that we can bloom in our true nature. In this way, we can participate with more joy and skills in our modern world. Recognizing the power we have in the realm of love and light, and the way in which we influence it we can being about positive changes in our lives and in the world.
Ipsalu Tantra Kriya Yoga is a singular approach among the tantric methods, which allows you to arouse your cosmic consciousness known as Kundalini. Ipsalu means transcending desires. Our ego based self believes that achieving material desires brings happiness. However that is rarely true. The soul continues in eternal bliss and by becoming one with your inner divinity you will let go of your desrires and discover your true nature.
Why is Kriya Yoga Important?
Kriya teachers say it takes a million years on Earth for the improvement and evolution of a human brain to become capable of understanding the cosmic consciousness. Kriya practice allows you to move at a faster pace, because each Cobra Breath produces several years of spiritual maturation. Those people who are attracted to this path have already spent several lives in spiritual development and are in the final stage of this journey.
Kriya Yoga and Ipsalu Tantra
Kriya Yoga is a science from ancient India and not a belief system. It is the path of action that yields magnificent results. Kriya Yoga is a beneficial spiritual path made of meditation and yoga. The benefits of Kriya Yoga are – experiencing peace and joy of living, greater concentration and concentration, and eliminating bad karma. Kriya Yoga also refers to a breathing and meditation techniques known as pranayama or breathing practice, the in and outflow of prana or life force.
Ipsalu Tantra is based on Kriya Yoga, using ancient techniques from Vedic India that lead to consciousness of the cosmic soul and self-realization in our life.
Third Eye Meditation
This meditation technique, a form of spinal meditation in IpsaluKriya unblocks the the crown chakra on the top of the head and the third eye chakra in the center of the forehead to receive the divine powers. It also activates the energy cycle from top to bottom of the spine and opens the consciousness of this universe, while maintaining our connection with this earth.
Sit in a comfortable position. Feel that your lower back and hips as well as legs touch the cushion you are sitting on as well as ground.
Breathe in and extend your spine. Imagine you are being pulled up by a string towards the sky. Breathe out and feel the earth with your pelvis. You can imagine that your tailbone is the essential root that is connected to the heart of your existence. Face ahead keeping your chin parallel to the ground and breathe with a natural tempo.
Put your tongue on the palate and imagine a golden ball directly above the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead where you have the third eye. Inhale through the nose, roll the ball over the head or crown along the spine to the coccyx with the mental chant “hung.”
Exhale through the nose and roll the ball up along the spine, over your head and to the center of the forehead while chanting “sau.”
The chant “sau-hung” means “I am that” or “I am.”
By using this mantra for meditation, you re-establish your inner self as one with God as well as this earth.
Begin with this exercise for five minutes a day and add greater duration every time you practice, till your practice reaches 20 minutes a day.
Remember that it is important to reconcile the practice of Kundalini arousal with a practice that is grounded. Kundalini imbalance can cause dizziness or too much vigor and cause one to be talkative or fall prey to lack of sleep. Simple activities such as yoga, invigorating massages, walking, strength training or eating foods consisting of root vegetables and avocadoes or olives provides the needed help.
Although it maybe enticing to remain in a heightened state of Kundalini arousal, it can be very difficult to work while you live in the ether.
If you notice that you are very unbalanced in your energy, resume the exercises and activities that ground you to this world and ask for help. If needed seek advice from an experienced Tantra practitioner for help is important if you have problems with finding your ground.
If you want to use meditation as a way to practice sexuality with your partner, I would suggest that you work with the reputed and knowledgeable Tantra teacher and always be in touch with yourself.